Monday, January 18, 2010

Keep the Vampires Away: Greens with Garlic, Raisins and Pine Nuts

I went to Spain in high school on an exchange program, and one dish that sticks in my mind, made by my host mother, is broccoli sautéed with garlic, pine nuts and raisins. I have had a similar dish at Spanish restaurants in the U.S., but with spinach instead of broccoli. So last night, having newly restocked my pine nut supply, I made a raw version of greens with garlic, pine nuts and raisins – this time, with Swiss chard. It would be delicious with spinach too, or even kale, but I had a big bunch of chard that I wanted to use.

2 cloves of garlic (use 1 if you need to go out in public after, or more if you want to keep the vampires away!)

½ cup raisins

3 tablespoons olive oil

2-3 tablespoons pine nuts

Big bunch of Swiss chard (or other greens)

Salt & pepper

Shave garlic very thin or chop into tiny pieces, and toss with raisins and oil so the garlic and raisins can soften a bit (15 minutes or so). Wash and chop greens. Working in 3 or 4 batches, add greens and some of oil mixture to a big bowl, and toss with salt and pepper. Check seasoning, and repeat with additional portions of greens until all the oil and all the greens are in the bowl (I found it easier to work with the greens in steps to get them all really well coated). Cover bowl, and let marinate for 2-3 hours, tossing occasionally. Add pine nuts, and serve. Raw appétit!

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