Thursday, September 10, 2009

"As Seen on TV" (Raw) Dinner: Jamie Oliver's Funky Pasta, Done Raw

Are you like me and find TV cooking shows absolutely mesmerizing? I don’t know what it is…but I could watch Giada and Ina all day long. Not that I can use most of their recipes, since they are mainly cooked, but I have found some that are easy to adjust, and work as good kind of crossover dishes if you are cooking for someone who isn’t raw…

To that point, the other night I made “Funky Spaghetti” that I watched Jamie Oliver make with Oprah on a repeat the other day. I had a mix of zucchini fettuccine (just start peeling with a potato peeler, and don’t stop!) and angel hair out of the spiral slicer, while my Guy had regular spaghetti.

According to Jamie, you just crush up a whole bunch of cherry tomatoes or other little tomatoes in a bowl, with all the seeds and juice and everything (just use your hands, tear ‘em in bite size pieces), tear up a couple of good handfuls of fresh basil (and he added marjoram and garlic, too – I forgot those), and let that sit for a few minutes (eg, while you make your pasta) with a little salt and pepper and a splash of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Toss with your pasta, and that’s it!

I’ll keep the “As Seen on TV” recipes coming!

Raw appétit!

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