Saturday, November 20, 2010

What's for Thanksgiving? Butternut Squashage Lasagna, of course!

I'm still working on my recipe for Thanksgiving this year (better hurry!), and the other night I put this together...still need to tweak it before I post the recipe, but it was delicious! I'm calling it Butternut Squashage Lasagna...a butternut squash puree, with sage & walnut "sausage" bits, and a cashew shallot cream sauce. The "noodles" were thinly sliced & marinated turnip. The flavors all blended really nicely together, and the squash actually came out more delicious than I expected...YUM!
And a bonus....yesterday I added some water to the remaining squash, and threw it in the blended with the rest of the cashew sauce...and voila! Butternut Squash bisque for lunch!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Raw...and EASY!...Banana-Chocolate Cream Pie

I had a little hankering for a yummy dessert the other day, and I pulled this one together really quickly...its kind of a cheat, because it is more or less simple banana ice cream with a simple crust...but who cares, it was tasty! I try to always have several frozen bananas on hand, as they are great for smoothies, shakes, name it. Here is a fancier looking, but easy way to use them! Always peel and break bananas into chunks before you freeze them in an airtight container. Here's how to make the pie...

First, make the crust:
1 1/2 cups of almonds, ground into a coarse flour
1/2 cup shredded coconut (unsweetened)
1 cup medjool dates, pitted (about 10-12...chop them up if they aren't soft)
Pinch of sea salt (about 1/4 teaspoon)

Blend almonds, coconut, dates and a pinch of salt together in a food processor, stopping occasionally to scrap down the sides and check on the mixture. Process until the mixture is sticky, climbing up the sides and rolling should still be a little crumbly, but stick together nicely when you pinch it. Press into a spring form pan or pie plate. I used a 10 inch spring form pan, and greased the sides tiny bit with a little coconut oil so it would release easily.

Next, make the filling!
3 cups (about 4 bananas worth) of frozen bananas (make sure to peel and break them into chunks before they are frozen!)
1 not frozen banana
3/4 cup (or more, to taste) cocoa powder

Blend in the food processor, until very smooth, like soft serve ice cream. Stop occasionally to scrape sides and make sure the bananas aren't sticking in a clump. You could add some vanilla, or cinnamon, or whatever goes with bananas and chocolate if you want to make it extra fancy!
Pour/scoop banana chocolate mix onto the crust, and spread it to edges. Refreeze for an hour or two (okay, eat it right away, if you must!) and serve.

These quantities gave me a relatively low pie...if you want more of a filling-to-crust ratio, use a smaller pan, or make more banana blend! Raw appetit!