I’m working on getting back to basics with my own raw food lifestyle lately…I have gained 4 or 5 extra pounds over the past couple of months, and while I first blamed it on adding extra muscle during marathon training, it really was more a result of adding extra cashews…and raw macaroons…and kale chips…and lots of tahini…and too much olive oil…to my diet.
While I’ve been very good about making greens the basis of my diet, adding extra fat to them to make them tasty (VERY tasty) isn’t a good thing, and it is entirely possible to overdo it eating just about anything, regardless of whether its “raw” or “healthy.” And given that I have a wedding dress fitting in a few weeks – and would very much like to fit into the dress! – it time to pay a little more attention to what I put in my mouth!
I think simply being more mindful of the added fats that I eat will do the trick, for example, putting a tablespoon of tahini on a salad rather than gobbing it on, or measuring out a couple of teaspoons of oil to marinate veggies rather than just eyeballing it (obviously, my eyes are bigger than my belly!). But I am also trying to add lighter, more hydrating soups into the mix of the salads and raw entrees I eat…for example, lunch today was a yummy, savory blended soup pretty much made of what veggies I had around. I just chopped it up, and tossed it in the blender…easy, and tasty.
Zingy Green Soup
1 ½ cups celery
3 cups cucumber (peeled if skin is waxed)
1 ½ cups parsley
¼ cup dulse (other sea veggies would work fine, too)
1 cup water
Juice of ½ to 1 lemon
1 clove of garlic
1 inch knob of ginger, peeled
Pinch of salt & pepper, to taste
Chop everything into medium sized pieces (to be kind to the blender), and blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth. The dulse (which will add a concentrated mineral punch, as well as lots of flavor) will impart some saltiness, so don’t add salt until after the dulse is blended in and you’ve tasted the soup for seasoning. That’s it! Raw appétit!